
At any given time, the average American has three. Three what?

Unpaid bills. Congratulations to today's winner, Karen Wood from Davison.


According to a survey of adults, 46% say this is the most un-thoughtful holiday gift someone can give. What?

Lotion! (Really?) Congrats to today's winner, Keith Olsick from Grand Blanc.


According to a survey of women, 70% say that a man has to be able to do this, if he's considered a 'real man.' What is it?

Change a rite. Congratulations to today's winner, Cyndi Gilliam from Flint.


40% of us do this when we're mad. What?


According to a survey of women, 50% say this is a regular thing in the spring, summer, and fall. But in the winter, not so much. What is it?

Shaving their legs. Congratulations to today's winner, Byron Dugdale from Grand Blanc.

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