
Q: The average American does this 22 times a day.

A: Open the fridge. Mary Anne of Davison got it, and she does it too. But not that many times. Congrats!


Q: 1-in-10 ladies hide this from their partners.

A: Snacks! Kessi of Flushing knows all about it, and she does it!


Q: The average household has six of these.

A: Refrigerator magnets is the answer, and Lisa of Fenton has a bunch of kitty cat ones. Great job!


Q: If you do this for 20 minutes each day, you can boost your productivity by about 30%.

A: Take a nap. Pam from Gaines wishes she could get more nap time in. Congratulations, Pam! Now, go take a nap.

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