"We want you to take vacation. Please get out of here!" Jason Fried is the CEO of the tech company Basecamp, located out of Chicago. They develop project management software and have about 50 employees. Fried makes sure that employees with a year or more with the company receive a paid vacation (they actually give you paid time off and pay for your vacation), while new employees receive a night on the town.

"There's a lot of praise around big companies doing your laundry for you and having chefs in-house. The message is, 'Don't leave the office, everything you need is here,'" Fried told The Huffington Post. "That just grosses me out."

Some more of the company's incredible benefits include:

  • Four-day, 30-hour workweeks during the summer.
  • $100 a month for fitness, which employees can spend on gym memberships, yoga classes, race entry fees, etc.
  • $100 a month for massages.
  • CSA (community supported agriculture) memberships, to encourage people to buy locally grown fruits and veggies.
  • The option to work anywhere. Basecamp employees are located all over the country.
  • A one-month sabbatical every three years of employment
  • Parental leave: mothers AND fathers get 16-weeks off, paid.

Fried has a young son of his own at home, so he understands the challenges of family/work-life balance. And his employees are paid handsomely: they're the top 5 earners in Chicago.

If I was smart enough to work at a tech company, this is where I'd go!

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