
Dumb Quotes By Celebrities – Who Said This?
Dumb Quotes By Celebrities – Who Said This?
Dumb Quotes By Celebrities – Who Said This?
What's a Yanni? Ignorance can be bliss until it makes you look foolish. All of japan was insulted by this actress when she said, "I didn't have any idea what a Yanni was. I just thought I was in love with a Japanese man who wrote beautiful music."
Watch a Montage of the Best TV Quotes of 2011 [VIDEO]
Watch a Montage of the Best TV Quotes of 2011 [VIDEO]
Watch a Montage of the Best TV Quotes of 2011 [VIDEO]
Sometimes a TV character will fire off a line of dialogue that is so good you find yourself quoting it the next day. The Huffington Post’s TV critic Maureen Ryan has compiled a list of her 11 most memorable TV lines of 2011, which includes remarks from the likes of ‘Parks and Recreation’s’ Ron Swanson, ‘The Office’ cut-up Jim Halpert, and ‘Breaking Bad’s’ meth-dealing teacher Walter White. Read Mo