
Two-Epic Barbecue ‘Fails’ Just In Time For Memorial Day [VIDEO]
Two-Epic Barbecue ‘Fails’ Just In Time For Memorial Day [VIDEO]
Two-Epic Barbecue ‘Fails’ Just In Time For Memorial Day [VIDEO]
As Memorial Day kicks off summer we all begin to plan our outdoor activities. For a lot of people it's the official beginning of grilling season. I grill through out the year even when there's snow on the ground. I still screw it up once in a while. Grilling can be fun and also very funny to watch. Take a look at these very funny grilling mishaps.
Don’t Invite Cancer To Your Barbeque
Don’t Invite Cancer To Your Barbeque
Don’t Invite Cancer To Your Barbeque
With summer comes good times, friends and barbeques. Your only worries are the mosquito's and the summer sun, right? Not so fast. Some research suggests that cooking meats at high temperatures, as grills often do, creates chemicals that may potentially increase your cancer risk. So, the American Cancer Society offers some grilling guidelines to help reduce your cancer risk.