If SNL's touching tribute to those killed in Friday's shooting spree in Newtown, Connecticut was the show's high point, Samuel L. Jackson's appearance was definitely its low point.

Jackson denies using the F-word, claiming in a tweet that he dropped the "k" from the end of the four-letter bomb. However, he acknowledges that he did use another vulgarity during the 'What Up With That' Segment. The ongoing gag of the sketch is that guests are cut off when host DeAndre Cole (Kenan Thompson) breaks into the show's theme song. Jackson mocked outrage when his appearance was truncated, but didn't do such a good job truncating his obscenities.

Thompson responded, "Come on, Sam, that costs money!" referring to potential FCC fines that could be imposed due to the transgression.

This is an unedited clip, so it may not be work-friendly, or family-friendly!

- George McIntyre
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