Remember art class in elementary school? You got to cut out some construction paper and glue it to another piece of paper and call it art. Danny Guthrie -- Michigan State University Art Professor -- decided to take his vision of art to a whole different level ... insert creeper joke here. Professor Guthrie has been taking photos of himself in different stages of nudity! Creepy? You tell us!

Guthrie -- 65-years old -- has been teaching at MSU for 13 years and considers taking these photos as a form art.

The photos are taken with current and past students.

Danny Guthrie, The Appraisal

The faculty at the university stand behind what Guthrie is doing and considers the accusations against Guthrie to be, "puritanical” and “Midwestern,” according to the Detroit Newswho broke the story last week.

Guthrie defends himself on his personal website saying:

“In making this work, it would be evasive not to acknowledge that some of my interests are purely personal. I have reached a not entirely pleasant place in life one might call the fulcrum of middle age, with the balance shifting inexorably towards decrepitude. As one ages, it is with no small sense of remorse and regret, that one comes to experience the realm of desire, romance, and carnality as existing more in the past than the future.”

What do you think? Is this professor the ultimate 'creeper'? Or is he just demonstrating a strange form of art.

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