Sad it even has to be suggested, but it does. Can you go one day with criticizing someone? Well Pink is challenging you to give it a try.

Pink and husband Carey Hart have dealt with endless trolls via the internet for quite awhile now parent shaming them on how they choose to raise their children. From their food choices to activities other parents feel isn't "good" the couple has found themselves under attack and now Pink is fighting back.

 "I’d like to propose a worldwide internet challenge to anyone reading this today. Go ONE day without criticizing someone online. Let’s call it the MISS ME WITH THE BULLS*** CHALLENGE. And if it feels good, hey, why not go TWO DAYS. But let’s start with one for the overzealous out there."

Her husband shared the photo commenting, "I think it’s a long shot, but I’m optimistic!!!". Of course comments ensued, mostly  supportive on Hart's social media, but Pink herself disabled her comments.

Shortly after she issued her worldwide challenge, the singer came to the defense of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they were being criticized for using a private jet for their vacation. Commenting on the issue and the challenge she said,  “It’s out of control. Let’s all be a bit kinder, huh? Let’s show our children that it’s cool to be kind.”

Are you up for the challenge?



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