At 9-years-old Breanna Bond weighed in at 186 pounds and was bullied in school. They would called her fatty, fat head, anything just to tease. Bond, however, recently lost an incredible 66 pounds.

Breanna's weight started to pile on when she was just a baby and when she got to kindergarten she had already reached 100 pounds. Her pediatrician always said that she'd grow into her body and then, after a while they went and got other doctors' opinions.

An exercise routine was created for Breanna by her mother and the whole family started to exercise together by walking a 4-mile trail near their home. Heidi says that they would go everyday and doing the walk no matter what. "We had a zero tolerance policy. We're doing the walk, no matter what," she said. ABC News reported that she also started a diet that limited fat to 20 grams per day and Breanna started using the treadmill at home for an hour and 15 minutes a day as well as started to play basketball and joined the swim team. She lost 66 pounds in less than a year. She tells her story in the video below.

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