Get your supernatural fix with a spooky house that's right here in the mitt tonight.

Armchair ghost hunters, get ready: Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests visited a home in Tuscola County and filmed it for tonight's episode.

The house has famously been called the "castle" or the "wedding cake" house; it's been around since 1880 and has seen many families come and go.

It's now occupied by the Dowe family; Conrad Dowe grew up in the area and bought the home site unseen when he lived in Washington and moved his family in when he came back to Michigan.

The family has seen things, heard things, and even had a renting tenant leave without explanation. Conrad's wife Jessica even has a scar on her leg from an unexplained accident in the house.

I loooooove the supernatural, so I'll absolutely be tuning in tonight. The episode airs at 9 PM ET.

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