(Read this in an infomercial announcer voice) You scrape. You Chisel. You struggle in the freezing cold trying to clear the frost from your car's windshield. (Bad actress looks frustrated, over-dramatically throws broken scraper to the ground...)

Now there's an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesier way!!!!!

In the video below from WATE-TV, Ken Weathers (Really??) demonstrates that a simple solution in a spray bottle can clear the frost from your windshield in just a couple of minutes.

Weathers demonstrates that a mixture of two parts isopropyl alcohol and one part water will get the job done, because rubbing alcohol has a freezing point of 128 degrees below freezing. (He means 128 degrees below zero.)

I think I'll take Mr. Weathers up on this suggestion and see how it works.

Now if you have fog on your windshield, you'll want to watch this video to see how to clear it in record time.

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